Our Team & Culture
私たちILY,はクライアントの課題を解決するため、あるいはビジネスやデザインによってよりよい社会を実現するため、社内外を問わず最適で最高なチームを組成し多様なプロジェクトに取り組みます。私たちがプロジェクト推進において重視するのは、バリューを体現するプロフェッ ショナルパフォーマンスと、good daysを追求するデザイナーマインドです。
We at ILY, work with the best and brightest teams, both inside and outside of the company, to tackle a wide variety of projects in order to solve our clients' problems and create a better society through business and design. We focus on professional performance that embodies our values and a designer's mindset that pursues good days.
Session, for good days.
私たちはビジネスやデザインのために開かれたコミュニティを基盤とした組織です 。私たちはよりよい社会のためのビジネスやデザインに取り組むため、ソーシャルアジェンダを持ち合い、ビジネスやデザインの事例研究や対話機会を設けています。オンラインやオフラインで誰でも参加でき、活動はyoutubeでアーカイブされています。
We are a community-based organization that is open for business and design. We bring together a social agenda to work on business and design for a better society, and provide opportunities for case studies and dialogue on business and design. Anyone can join us online or offline, and our activities are archived on youtube.
Open position
We are looking for members who can drive the business together with ILY, and members who can lead client projects and solve problems together with the design team.
Work with us
Design Consultant
Creative & Art Director
We are looking for members who can drive the business together with ILY, and members who can lead client projects and solve problems together with the design team.